
Holidays Self Care
Creating healthy boundaries can give you the gift of a peaceful holiday season.

Jars Visualization Technique
It is safe to set aside your worries and persistent thoughts to allow for restful sleep.

Being ok with not feeling ok
Being present with your emotions is the key to releasing them.

Truth or Lies
How can your body be your greatest tool in truly knowing what is true and right for you?

Happy? Holidays
What can be healed when you let go of the expectation that the holidays need to be happy?

Undefine Yourself and Expand Your Reality
What are the definitions you have bought into and fully accepted about who you are?

Choosing to see the world through the lens of “Right” or “Wrong”
What would happen if we change the lens through which we view ourselves and the world.

Start-Stop Patterns
Throughout our lives, we set goals for ourselves, things we want to achieve and experience. But not all goals are met. Have you ever wondered what stopped you from fulfilling the steps to reach your goal?

Decision Making: Pros and Cons List
Decision making can sometimes be confusing. The pros and cons exercise can help you gain clarity in making the right decision for you.

Paying Attention to What You Consume
Are you living your life on auto-pilot or are you making conscious decisions and choosing what is best for yourself?

Life Hack: The Sway Test
For those of us with food or product sensitivities, knowing what to put in, or on, our bodies, can make a trip to the health food store a nightmare. This simple life-hack, called the Sway Test, can help you make choices that are right for you.

Did you know it takes work to cultivate inner peace?
Finding inner peace takes intention and thoughtfulness. Here are a few tips.

Do you have a wall around your heart?
Do you have trouble connecting with others? Do you feel uncomfortable sharing your feelings with those closest to you?

Making Resolutions You Can Live By
Every year, the only annual outcome I achieved from making New Year’s Resolutions was a sense of failure, so this year I’m trying something new. Maybe you should too!