Paying Attention to What You Consume

Hello Friends,

Do you ever wonder why, at times, you may be feeling annoyed, frustrated, anxious, or conversely — happy, excited and full of energy — for apparently no reason?

Is it possible that what you consume may be directly affecting your well-being?

Most of us have heard the saying “You are what you eat.” But I am going to take this a step further, and say “You are what you consume.”  

What we consume not only includes food, but also social media and even the behaviour of the family and friends we surround ourselves with, as well as any other external influences.

If you are interested to know more about your daily consumption, consider taking time throughout your day to pause and reflect on:

  • Food/drink choices:  Are they giving you energy or leaving you lethargic?

  • Internal dialogue: Is your inner voice very critical of yourself and everyone around you or is it a voice of compassion and gratitude? Whose voice is it anyway?

  • Daily news/media. How is your nervous system responding once you hear/see updates? Is your energy anxious or is it neutral?

  • Social group/friends/family:  Are they giving you energy, taking away or a bit of both? Do you reach out to these people automatically/out of habit or is it a conscious choice because you enjoy being with them?

It can be quite eye opening to shine the light of self-reflection and acknowledge when we live our lives out of habit rather than making conscious decisions to choose what is best for us.

As always, I appreciate hearing your insights and ah-ha moments.

Warm Wishes,



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